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Provides current outdoor news reports on Alaska's environment, fishing, wildlife, and other articles of interest in the section 'Guided by Instinct!'. It is a companion source with ADVENTURE ALASKA Facebook Page.

Click on items below for article information and source.​​



~~~ ​Guided by Instinct! ~~~​





*Overview:  Pristine Alaska Under Siege!  The Pebble Mine Project is a controversial proposal by Northern Dynasty Minerals to build one of the largest gold and copper mines in the world near Lake Iliamna in southwest Alaska. The proposed 2,000 feet deep - 2 mile long Pebble Mine would include the largest earth dam in the world in order to hold back created toxic waste centered in a volatile earthquake zone. For many it is a giant pebble concern. The open pit mine would place at risk Alaska's prolific Bristol Bay region ecosystem, including its inhabitants. Click HERE for additional factual information specific to the area.

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